Is College Worth It?

Does pursuing a college education hold value? Increasingly, college is demonstrating itself to be a significant expenditure of TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY, resulting in substantial debts that have a lasting impact on individuals’ financial lives. Repayment, in some cases, spans multiple generations.

Tuition fees are on the rise, along with academic grades, but success rates in the real world are decreasing, mirroring the unemployment rate during Trump’s presidency.

“Universities offer minimal education, yet consistently raise their fees. Attempt this in a private business, and you might face fraud charges. But in an American university, it results in billions in taxpayer subsidies.” — Tucker Carlson Tonight

Does pursuing a college education hold value?

Alright, let’s examine this…

Approximately 45% of students showed “no notable improvement in learning” during the initial two years of college. Nearly 40% exhibited no learning progress throughout the entire four-year period.

Evidently, attending college does not lead to increased intelligence in individuals.

A significant number of students did not engage in substantial studying, with 35 percent indicating less than 5 hours per week dedicated to study.

Only 2.67 hours a day is accounted for. Meanwhile, twice that time is spent on shopping, eating, and partying.

Adult illiteracy is consistently increasing. A majority of college graduates perform below average in cognitive tasks, such as calculating the costs of items in a grocery store.

College graduates in the United States score at or below the level of high school students in numerous other countries.

Prominent universities are experiencing a decline in their academic rigor.

College courses are becoming less rigorous, yet the average college GPA remains above 3.0. Grade inflation is particularly prominent at private schools. Despite an increase in student failures, the concept of failing itself seems to be fading away.

And with billions of taxpayer dollars being allocated to these institutions??? WHAT!!! If this were a private business, there would be fraud indictments.

What is the solution, then?

While it might not be the thousands and thousands of dollars spent on tuition, the education you will immediately access has a demonstrated track record of assisting students in generating weekly incomes ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

It doesn’t involve your 2-year, 4-year, or 8-year course plans either. You can genuinely learn and start earning within a month to six months.

Expenses? Well, you can commence for as low as $97.

Do you believe it’s too good to be accurate? Especially when contrasted with college, and the genuine SCAM it has turned out to be for millions of Americans.

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