
In the realm of coffee, we each discover our personal favorites. Some of us have traveled the globe, exploring and experimenting with different coffees. It holds the position as the #2 commodity, second only to oil. Due to the way it affects our mood, some of us are at our best after savoring the second cup of the day.


In the realm of coffee and weight loss, the approach has been misguided until now. It’s not about creating a coffee specifically for weight loss. Let’s face it; this has been attempted repeatedly. Does it yield results? Not universally, not in the long run, and typically, the effective ingredients face bans shortly after release. Thanks to bio-hacking innovation, we now have plôs thermo. This is a convenient “SNAP” that you simply add to your preferred hot or cold beverage and savor. As a non-dairy creamer, it not only complements but elevates the flavor of your beloved brew.

Straightforward! Shedding weight becomes achievable with this bio-hacking non-dairy creamer, which not only boosts our mood and uplifts our spirits but also contributes to thermogenic properties, aiding in the burning of stored (unwanted) fat.

Ever wondered what could elevate a morning with coffee?

Allow this extraordinary morning coffee to assist you in shedding 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat and inches every month!

I’m probably your typical individual when it comes to my eating habits, routines, and lifestyle. Well, typical for a self-proclaimed “Foodie”! Absolutely! I take pride in my appreciation for the finer things—food, wines, and chocolate. Now, a delightful piece of pie or cheesecake is hard to resist as well. You’ll also find that the taste of food becomes even more exquisite. Surprisingly, this coffee has a unique impact; it naturally reduces your portion control, making you less inclined to overeat for comfort. I’ve successfully shed over 55 pounds and counting. Although it took more than two years, I now look and feel fantastic—weighing and appearing better than I have in over 25 years.

Here’s my desire. Let’s refer to it as “My Cake.”

We all long to wake up with excitement for the day, ready to be alert and make a meaningful difference. Personally, my daily emphasis revolves around my goals—financially, spiritually, physically, and mentally.

I aspire to positively influence the lives of others, aiding in their growth, building endeavors, and assisting in the creation of time, financial, and overall freedom.

I desire the ability to savor exquisite meals while sharing quality time with others, relishing in the art of amazing cooking. I’m a devoted enthusiast of wine, particularly Fine Wines. Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to unwind with wine, concluding the day on a reflective note, appreciating what was accomplished, and spending time with my spouse. We delight in sharing the events of the day and our plans for the future, including tomorrow, next week, and next month.

These are the outcomes I experienced with “My Cake” and “Indulging in My Cake” (Before discovering my solution).

In the past, I would wake up filled with enthusiasm to greet the day. Initiating the morning routine with a cup of coffee, I’d organize myself and set the tone for the day. Every day, I dedicated myself to improving, brightening, and enriching the lives of those I could impact, imparting wisdom and influence to help them become the best version of themselves.

As I navigate this journey, I’ve often delighted in exquisite meals and fine wines; observing a gradual and seemingly continuous weight gain. Despite my awareness of health needs, I’ve replaced meals with nutritious, low-calorie shakes, aiming to make better choices. The intention is to still enjoy fine foods and fine wine in the evenings, my way of “celebrating the day.” However, it appears that my body and I are in a perpetual struggle, leading to an ongoing battle with weight fluctuations.

I used to resort to drastic measures to lose 40-50 pounds at a time. However, these methods didn’t align with the principle of “Eating My Cake” and always necessitated a lifestyle that deviated from what I truly enjoy. Predictably, this approach was never sustainable, didn’t bring me to where I wanted to be, and so the ongoing battle continued.

It’s not enjoyable, and I’m aware of several individuals who endure the same struggle as I did. (DID – continue reading, as this battle is now over).

UNTIL… I discovered the remedy. Now, I can enjoy my cake and truly “Eat my Cake!” And the remedy was as simple as altering nothing more than my morning coffee? Literally, that’s all—no other changes!

These are the effects I encountered with “My Cake” and “Enjoying My Cake” (After discovering my solution).

This is the point where coffee and wine have become integral to my daily life. What’s even better is that I can share this experience with those around me, making it a truly wonderful thing. It feels like I’ve stumbled upon the “Unicorn” of weight management, and I have no intention of keeping it to myself—I want to share it with everyone I can. Certainly, we only have one life, don’t we!

With our plôs thermo, simply incorporate this remarkable substance into your coffee (or beverage of choice). You not only savor the taste and flavor but also experience a fantastic feeling while shedding weight. Consequently, you receive assistance in losing those stubborn inches around the gut, thighs, and butt. You’ll be thanking me forever, just as I express gratitude to the friend who introduced this to me. I can lose weight and maintain it without the pressures of crash diets or severe restrictions.

I typically enjoy 1 to 2 cups of delicious coffee, enhanced with plôs thermo as my creamer, in the morning. This not only makes me feel fantastic but also provides a significant boost of energy. It’s a proven weight-loss solution seamlessly incorporated into our favorite coffee! Following common sense, I eat sensibly and relish delightful dinners (with wine) throughout the week. Our weekly date nights also include moments of fun and occasional indulgences. Thanks to plôs thermo, we both look and feel great. And believe me, there’s even more to come!

  • No exercise required!
  • No special diets necessary!
  • No need to measure anything.
  • No need to change our lifestyle.
  • Embrace a scientific marvel that lets us enjoy cake and still lose weight!

Life brings its own set of distinct stressors.

The demands of the job, family, and bills can be overwhelming. We shouldn’t have to suffer the additional stress of dealing with our weight and fat. A helping hand is at our disposal in the form of plôs thermo, added to our favorite coffee (or other preferred beverage), providing us with effective methods to shed the weight. It practically melts away.

If you’re grappling with bills, please be sure to explore the business side of how we not only shed weight but also address debt! Access information when you place your order for plôs thermo; and feel free to reach out to me by registering for my email newsletter on the right side of this article ======>. You can reply directly to me, and we can discuss this further. Or see our Contact Us Information Page.

Looking to BOOST your weight loss? You need to add the power of Bio-Hacking! See it here! Experience the fantastic addition of plôs thermo non-dairy creamer to your morning brew. What’s more, we have a range of incredible products to elevate your sleep, well-being, mental focus, mood, and enhance your hair, nails, skin, and much more.

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